If you want to WIN a jewelry armoire from Wholesale Furniture Brokers, write a blog post about which jewelry armoire you want to WIN on either our US website (GoWFB.com) or Canadian website (GoWFB.ca). You also need to include a link to the jewelry armoire category you found the one you want in.
The winner will receive a $148 Gift Certificate for GoWFB.com or a $179 Gift Certificate for GoWFB.ca to use towards the purchase of a new jewelry armoire.
Here's how you can enter:
Write a blog post that includes the following:
1. In 100 - 200 words, explain which jewelry armoire you would like to win.
2. Include a link to the jewelry armoire you'd like to win on either our US website (GoWFB.com) or Canadian website (GoWFB.ca). (Don't worry, if you win, you can change your mind.)
3. Link to our jewelry armoire category. (Sample link code is below for your convenience.)
4. You're authorized to use any image from Wholesale Furniture Brokers in your post.
5. Publish your post.
6. Post a comment on this blog post and link back to your entry blog post.
The deadline for entries is Friday, November 5, 2010, PST.
Here are some sample link codes:
US Website (GoWFB.com)
Copy and Paste for GoWFB.com: <a href="http://www.gowfb.com/Bedroom-Furniture-Furniture-Pieces-Jewelry-Armoires-c-2_1491_2131.php?cPath=2_1491_2131">Jewelry
Canadian Website (GoWFB.ca)
Copy and Paste for GoWFB.ca: <a href="http://www.gowfb.ca/Bedroom-Furniture-Furniture-Pieces-Jewelry-Armoires-c-1_401_801.php?cPath=1_401_801">Jewelry
Find out more details on the official Jewelry Armoire Giveaway page. Good luck!

Here is my blog comment - I checked it over carefully, and it complies with your requirements.
It's a little wordier than you asked for (281 words) but I was going for a quality post. Hopefully that won't count against me.
I would definitely like to win this jewelry armoire because I own a lot of jewelry and it is scattered everywhere in my house. This armoire would organize all my jewelry, and it is sophisticated looking and beautiful.
If you want a chance to win a jewelry armoire, you need to post a link back to your entry blog post. Please have a look at all the requirements of the contest above. Thanks!
Louis Philippe Jewelry Armoire by Powell Company would be my first choice.
I love the top-flip-mirror and the touch latch side doors necklace hangers.
My Mom said many times, get an armoire and the jewelry will surely come!
redbabushka at hotmail dot com
Masterpiece Faux Cherry Parquet Jewelry Armoire by Powell Company has the features that I like, squares which means jewelry will have its place and will not get scattered around. Love the necklace compartment on the side.
French Garden Jewelry Armoire is quite unique even if discontinued. It would match my bedroom furniture and possibly even my living-room decor. Love the top of the armoire also, it is quite different.
sadiebully at hotmail dot com
Contemporary Jewelry Armoire by Powell Company would make my Mom very happy. I like the fact that there are a lot of compartments and that there are half rings in them. Really nice!
Love your great selection of items!
My post is Published on my Angel Sweepstakes Site:
Jewekry Armoire Post
I want to win the walnut jewlery armorie by Powell. I want to post the American address but can't cut and paste.
It's a tough decision. There are so many beautiful ones to choose from.
Over 75 years I have collected a lot of jewelry (some valuable and some with more sentimental value than dollars and cents) and probably given away as much but still have a big bunch that needs a more elegant home than the 4 jewelry boxes I now have. This would look so very elegant in any room of my house.
I absolutely love the Contemporary Jewelry Amoire due to its modern style and design that would could easily go with any room decor. The chrome knobs adds elegance tothis piece of work!
I absolutely adore http://www.gowfb.ca/Ebony-Jewelry-Armoire-by-Powell-Company-p-24771.php?products_id=24771
It is so elegant and would finally house all of my long necklaces as they deserve to be displayed. I have a four year old daughter who would love to play dress-up with such an elegant jewelry armoire! I would love to make it a family heirloom. Thanks for this opportunity to win!
I fufilled all the requirements! Here's hoping for a win!
madamerkf at aol dot com
What a great little contest - and for something I have always dreamed of, a jewelry armoire!
You can read the whole story here:
The one thing in our house that is COMPLETELY disorganized is my jewelry. This armoire would be a gift from the heavens. It's beautiful and classic. I absoluetly am in love with it! To win would be a dream.
I'm in with this post found at http://powersweepstaking.com/blog4
permalink: http://powersweepstaking.com/blog4/2010/11/05/jewelry-armoire-giveaway-win-a-free-jewelry-armoire/
Ron Miller
[forgot to include blog link. Please post this entry instead]
I have chosen this armoire. It is to be a Christmas present for my mother. She has a great deal of jewelry and only a small jewelry box. Much of it is heirloom jewelry from her mother and grandmother and I would love to see her have a beautiful place to store it in. The style and design of the particular armoire matches her bedroom furniture and the detailing is superb. It has been almost two years now that she has wanted one but could not afford it. Winning this and giving it to her for Christmas would be a wonderful surprise.
armoire link
Jewelry Armoire
I'v chosen the Cherry with Burl Jewelry Armoire. There is so many wonderful compartments, and i love how the sides open up for hanging necklaces, this is great because mine are all tangled in a drawer! I love this armoiore because it is classic, and I intend to pass this beautiful down many generations to come :)
thank you for the opportunity. What a wonderful choice of furniture. I have already shown hubby! :)
Direct link to my post.
Masterpiece Antique Parchment Jewelry Armoire by Powell Company is my choice because I like new "antique" furniture. I love the smell of fresh wood but I like the look of an antique. This is my quest to fill the jewelry armoire with antique or antique style jewelry. It would be a treasure hunt. Now I should find a pirate's treasure chest full of jewels. This is the stuff dreams are made of and I shall place my Antique Parchment Jewelry Armoire next to my bed. Sweet dreams will be mine.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a beautiful Jewelry Armoire.
All entry requirements fulfilled and link posted below.
sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
I don't have a blog so I hope this counts! I'd love soemthing for my jewelry!
My favorite is discontinued (the Shabby Chic White Jewelry box);so I would pick the: http://www.gowfb.com/Deep-Cherry-Jewelry-Armoire-by-Powell-Company-p-51011.php?products_id=51011
Jewelry Armoire
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this gveaway! :)
~Mippy :)
bunnysmip at yahoo dot com
I hope that I fulfilled all the requirements...and I couldn't just pick one, so I place photo's of several. Thanks so much for this great opportunity!
here is a link to my blog. I hope I win this would be a great Christmas gift for my 13 year old daughter.
Oh my!! I have lusted after a jewelry armoire all my life!! To finally be able to own one... well, it would be a dream come true!
As you can tell from my blog post here -
Please pick me!!!!! :)
tnshadylady at gmail.com
Here is my blog post -
I am in love with the Ebony Jewelry Armoire and would love to win!
Rose Green won the Jewelry Armoire Giveaway! Congratulations!
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